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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Daniel..wins the Championship...and teaches Daddy another lesson.

As I am sure you know, 3-year olds are a bundle of pure energy.  It’s amazing how much energy little boys and girls have inside, and it’s never more apparent than when they are at play.  Watching your child at play is an experience of pure joy, but playing along with them, can also bring you new revelations about life....and about yourself.  

My son and I were playing football in the house this past weekend.  Normally we’d go outside for such an activity, but it was pretty cold, so inside we stayed.  We were playing catch with a soft football in the living room, and as was frequently the case, he wasn’t catching most of my tosses to him.  Actually, none of them.  He has this tendency to jump upwards while trying to catch the ball, with his hands spread wide apart.  Of course, the ball would bounce off of his hands, or he’d miss it completely.  Now, big round balls pose no problem for Daniel, as he’s mastered catching those, with ease.  However, footballs have been somewhat of a challenge, up to this point.  Sure, daddy isn’t Peyton Manning out there, but my spirals are pretty tight, I’ll have you know!  As Daniel would miss each catch (from his dad’s golden arm), he never seemed to be bothered by it in the least bit.    

His constant laughter was just as pure on the 20th dropped pass, as it was on the first...and his enthusiasm never waivered.  

Now, I could have made my throws easier to for Daniel to catch, by standing a foot away and tossing the ball to him in a soft, underhanded motion, but where’s the fun in that?  In my mind, you practice how you play...and they don’t throw underhanded in little league football, or in the NFL for that matter, so we don’t do it in the house.   Plus, I believe that young children, adapt to challenges much more easily and much quicker than adults.  They learn from challenges...and obstacles...so much better that we do, because they aren’t confined to the same constraining “rules” that adults have learned over the years.  And my son certainly proved that fact to me during this particular play session.

We started with throws from about 6 feet apart, and he missed every catch.  But then...instead of wanting to move closer to catch the ball more easily...Daniel ran to the other end of the room, and said, “Throw it Daddy!”...so I begin to throw my perfect spiral passes to him (well...most of them were), from about 25 feet away, and as before, he’d miss every catch.  So after about, 20 more “perfect” throws and 20 more misses...he still wanted more.  And then I thought to myself....well, in real football, the wide-receiver doesn’t just stand out there and wait for the quarterback to throw the ball.  They run a “route”, from the line of scrimmage, get open, and then catch the ball.  So, since that’s how the game is played, I decided that instead of making it easier for him to catch the ball, I would “up the ante” and add some “route running” to our play.  

So, I would have Daniel stand next to me (on the line of scrimmage), and told him to run across the room after I said “hike!”... he’d turn around, and catch the ball.
I would call out a play...just like in a real football game, like the one’s we’ve watched together many times before... ”Blue 48...Blue 48...Play-Doh, Play-Doh...hut...hut...hut...HIKE!”  And Daniel would take off running (but not before I said “hike”...when I said “hut”, he didn’t move...which I thought was amazing), and after about 10-15 feet, laughing and smiling the whole time, he’d turn around, as the ball was already in the air.....reach to catch it....and miss it.

We did this over and over again, and I could tell that even a high-powered toddler like Daniel, was getting a bit tired.  I said to him, “Daniel, are you ready to stop?”  He said, “No, Daddy...throw it!” as he would line up once again, on the line of scrimmage...next to me.  (Heart of a champion!)  Now, this little man was really tired...as at this point he’s already run about 20 wide-receiver routes consecutively...after missing about 30 passes before...but at no point was he ready to quit...and daddy wasn’t going to stop either...we kept going!  

He was determined to catch a running pass...but I was beginning to think that perhaps I was making it too difficult for him.  So I was going to try it this way...one more time, and then go to tossing the ball underhanded to him from about 2 feet away.  But before I did that.. I wanted to get Daniel’s route running on tape...so we could study his technique in the “film room” later on.  So I pulled out my phone...and I said to him...”Ok, Daniel...this if for the championship...I’m going to film you...everybody is watching...we have to score now!”  He’s so amped up by this time (my son loves the camera), he’s almost flagged for lining up in the neutral zone...and I had to move him back to the line of scrimmage.  This was for all of the marbles....and here is what transpired...

Ok, ok, I know...I got a bit excited there at the end...borderline fanatical...but what can I say...I love being a dad!

I’m learning so much about myself....just from interactions with my son.  In this instance, he reminded me of what I know so well...but sometimes forget...you have to keep on pressing...even if you haven’t succeeded the last 50 times you’ve tried...it doesn’t even matter how many times you’ve failed...count it all as practice...as preparation for when the spotlight is on, and it’s your time to shine!  Your focus, determination, and faith...will make you victorious!

I don’t think Daniel even remembered dropping any of the previous passes...he was focused only on what he needed to do RIGHT NOW.   And no, the road isn’t always going to be easy for us...but those challenges and obstacles only make us stronger...and more determined... the ingredients of WINNING in the first place!  And the victory is so sweet!

Daniel’s Dad

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